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The Roches

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The Roches Album

Keep on Doing (1982)
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Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!

For the Lord God omnipotent reigneth!
Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah!

The kingdom of this world is become
The kingdom of our Lord, and of His Christ!
And he shall reign for ever and ever!

King of kings and Lord of lords!
King of kings and Lord of lords!
And He shall reign forever and ever!
Forever and ever!

Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah Hallelujah

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(by Margaret A. Roche)

I'm losin' you
fading from view

aging and aching and raging and faking I'm

losin' you
losin' true

last time I saw you I wanted to paw you
not to destroy you now I just annoy you I'm

losin' to
accusin' you

when I first met you I failed to get you
now that I let you come through I forget who I'm

losin' out
cruisin' about

the night of shining armor doesn't do her any favors

make no mistake when mystiquing a make I'm

losin' you
choosin' to

. . .

(by George Gerdes)

she goes steady with the maestro
and she rosins his baton
but when he goes out on a binge-o
she's been known to carry on
when the maestro goes out and paints the town

maestro he gets very jealous
when she talks to any other man
and the other men's women tend to worry
what's she got to talk about with them?
the women worry 'bout what she wanna do
when she's through conducting her interlude

one time I saw her at the cafe
she was laughin' like she just let down her hair
the time I saw her on the sidewalk
and her face was all flushed and filled with tears
the time I saw her in front of the pet shop
and the maestro and the goose and the ghost were there
the time I saw her on her doorstep
she invited me upstairs
and she gave me a wooded chair
that I sit on in my underwear

I used to play the second fiddle
in her philharmonic hall
but now I look out for numero uno
and I don't play no violins at all
I play the part of the man who crawls the wall

. . .

(by Terre Roche)

Didn't you ever feel like the largest Elizabeth in the World?
Usually at a time when the boy is oblivious to the girl
happening for

Slow down, slow down, slow down

Wouldn't you like to feel like yourself after suffering so many years?
If you were asked to the party by somebody else you wouldn't be sitting home
in tears
work done
resttohave fun

Slow down, slow down, slow down
Come on, slow down, slow down

They say the world's over
Goodbye see you next time
You don't have to go

Turnitaroundandgobacktothatsimpletruckstoponthewaytotheunfortunate world

Slow down, come on, slow down
Slow down, slow down, slow down
Slow down, slow down, slow down

. . .

(by David Massengill)

o once I loved an outlaw he came and stole my heart
o how I count the hours
since we were torn apart

on the road to Fairfax County
I spied a highwayman
he wanted all my money
my heart beat like a drum

I gave him all my money
and sweet he smiled at me
his beauty eye took pity
beneath the old oak tree

we kissed but for an hour
the sun was newly warm
the clouds were as the flowers
that bloom but for a morn

he gave back all my money
and bowed most gallantly
he promised for to meet me
that night beneath the tree

we'd flee to some far island
and there we would be wed
and freely we would live there
with no price upon his head

that night I went to meet him
with my inheritance
he kissed me 'neath the half moon
and joyful we did dance

o love betrays all secrets
it whispers in the breeze
the sheriff he did follow
with all his deputies

like hounds rushing to slaughter
the fox whose luck is run
and he stood erect and cursed them
God damn you every one

they seized him in a fury
and heeding not my plea
they hung him from the oak tree
where he made love to me

. . .

(by Terre and Suzzy Roche)

I know there was something about you that I liked yeah
But I only realized it when I spied you
At your mother's house last week
I'd only ever seen you on your bike yeah
I thought you were a slick affected
Switch blade flashing motorcycle freak

I never understood you slur your words why
You walk that mean and tough guy walk
Of all the other guys who hang around
The kind of animal that goes in herds why
But at you mother's house last Sunday dinnertime
With your defenses down

I fell in love, I fell in love, I fell in love

Flowers in your hand
Such a fine young man
Dressed up a suit and tie
Hear my love cry

I fell in love, I fell in love

I'm probably not the kind of girl you think you want why
I saw you with that slick effective
Switch blade flashing motorcycle blonde
I've got to make you turn around and see me
I saw you at your mother's house
I know you have it in you to like me

Such a fine young man
Catch me if you can
Don't be such a tough guy
Hear my love cry

I fell in love, you fell in what?

. . .

stood on the street the other night
in full moonlight
barefoot and oh dirtied
my dress was goin' away

there I was meetin' up with a man
for the payoff
faithful and unhenpecked
I somewhat recollect

soon she heard me
siren she wailed
Queen Spelling Bee she nailed me
by name


what am I doin' out on the street?
I'm ashamed dear
good boy he beats it
I tear myself downtown

God has let me release a sting
in my own eye
walk home to just nightmares
no angels on the phone

. . .

(by Suzzy and Terre Roche)

Want not want not want not

You can take my house away I don't care
You can take my job away I don't care
You can make my money I don't care
Might as well make my boyfriend I don't care

Want not want not want not

You can take my picture I don't care
You can have my attitude I don't care
The limousine I never ride in I don't care
Go ahead fix my wagon I don't care

Want not want not want not

I wish there was a true love
I wish there was a great art
I wish there always was enough
But I'd not want if I were smart

Want not want not want not

Holy mackerel isn't that Schneeschnaw over there
She's got my face on she's got my hair
She took what I had my cupboard bare
It's want she wanted I don't care

How much you got I got three
You'll probably take it away from me
I seen what happens you'll be sorry
You'll get what I got don't worry

Want not want not want not

. . .

O Timothy Tim
Has ten pink toes
And ten pink toes
Has Timothy Tim.
They go with him
Wherever he goes,
And wherever he goes
They go with him.

O Timothy Tim
Has two blue eyes
And two blue eyes
Has Timothy Tim.
They cry with him
Whenever he cries,
And whenever he cries,
They cry with him.

O Timothy Tim
Has one red head,
And one red head
Has Timothy Tim.
It sleeps with him
In Timothy's bed.
Sleep well, red head
Of Timothy Tim.

The lyrics are the words to the poem A.A. Milne poem "Cradle Song",
from the book "Now We are Six"

Copyright DeShufflin Inc

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(by Terre and Suzzy Roche)

Nobody around here knows what happened to ;you
No one will ask you to explain
You have your arm around a drastic measure
All of your efforts down the drain

There might be something here you could get into
Or just be quiet by yourself
oooooooo. . .
Stare at the stuff up on the shelf

You work too hard to take this abuse
Be on your guard jerks on the loose

Look who did it to you
Joker over there with nothing to do
Don't let 'm get through
Keep on Doing what you do

Why don't you listen to my little pep talk
Instead of what that person said
And now I'm gonna open up the window
And you will come in off that ledge

You work to hard to take this abuse
Be on your guard jerks on the loose
Jerks on the loose
Jerks on the loose

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