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Stereolab Album

Dots and Loops (09/23/1997)
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We need so damn many things
To keep our dazed lives going
Many things, to keep our lives
Lives going, so many things
We need so damn many things
(We need so damn, we need so damn many things)
To keep our stupid lives going
(To keep our stupid, keep our stupid lives going)
Many things to keep our lives
(To keep our lives, to keep our lives, many things)
Lives going, so many things
(So many things, so many things, lives going)
We can be bound, run around
(We can be bound, we can be bound, run around)
Fooled animal bite its tail
(Fooled animal, fooled animal, bite its tail)
Animal, he has been bound
(He has been bound, he has be bound, animal)
Run around, around and 'round
('Round and around, 'round and around, run around)

. . .

Sur la boîte cartonnée un trompe-l'oeil
avoue volontiers qu'il est trompe-l'oeil
Sur la boîte cartonnée un trompe-l'oeil
avoue volontiers qu'il est trompe-l'oeil

donne l'idée du jeu et du mystère
un spectacle intime donne l'idée du jeu et de l'humour
spectacle qui rime, qui suscite dans les yeux un éclair
une découverte, une idée qui peut jouer des tours
une muse, certes, donne l'idée du jeu et du mystère
un spectacle intime.

Sur la boîte cartonnée un trompe-l'oeil
avoue volontiers qu'il est trompe-l'oeil
Sur la boîte cartonnée un trompe-l'oeil
avoue volontiers qu'il est trompe-l'oeil

. . .

All the small boats on the water aren't
Going anywhere
Surely they must be loaded with
More than simple matter
Floating on top and gracefully tending
To the same pole
All the small boats on the water
Going nowhere
Is it true that none of them, will ever
Break free and sail?
Feel the night is made of rocks
The stagnant mass...
Is it true that none of them, will ever
Break free and sail?
Break free from the stagnant boats
Left in obscurity
All the faces with their eyes closed
Giving a smile
Like a body that would vacate to its
Own light
Is it true that none of these
Contented happy faces will not ever hear a cry
Won't hear a cry?
Is it true that none of these contented
Happy faces will not ever hear a cry
Filled with love not with desire
Love not desire?

. . .

Souviens-toi des vacances
Vacances de la petite
Qui cherche ressemblance
À la Grande bourgeoisie
Par quelle différence
Peuvent-elles se distinguer?
Leurs tortures sans ?provence?
Ou des vies passionnées
Des vies de dépendance
Ou des gens tout petits
Retournent à l'importance
De leurs vies étourdies
Un moment de vacance
Rien après interdit
Moment d'indépendance
Et ce que c'est beau la vie!
Un moment de vacances
Oublier ses soucis
Embrasser l'abondance
Qu'a à confier la vie
J'ai envi qu'on avance
Qu'on prenne de la distance
Les devisions m'ennuient
Et vive les harmonies!

. . .

Searching news ways of laughing
ones whereby one could
express and transform
all the shattering
all the gratuitious
the burdens of guilt
growing these new ways
will dawn on us if
we look hard enough
searching and finding
mais l'arbre tombe
á la terre l'arbre tombe
le son de ton silence
m'aide á toucher le fond
et lac salé de l'âme
lac salé oû je ?"meurs"?
le son de ton silence
m'apprend aussi qu'un jour
je vainquerai ma douleur
cette vague de douleur
qui entre mon bras droit
Lyricssearching new ways of yodeling
once whereby one could
express and convey
longlasting virtue
without destruction
without rejection
hoping these new ways
will dawn on us if
we look hard enough
hoping and searching

. . .

I yearn for romantic compassion
To love is my sole aspiration
For thee who has love in a million
That has burnt unto consternation
All those who're pig-face and dimi...
Glowing for our face sand our hearts
Fusing at the sad transformation
That has slightly altered the power
It had to end, became too disappointing
Another end leading a new beginning
I'll try again, the right one will come along
I need someone intoxicating and strong

. . .

Ce qui est n'est pas clos, du point de vue le
plus essentiel,
Ce qui est ouvert, est à être
Dans une action sans fin,
sans trophée et sans gloire-
Une création sans fond,
Sans profit ni victoire

. . .

vous etiez l'evidence
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'evidence
vous n'etes plus que l'enigme
vous etiez l'eternite
vous n'etes que du passe

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It's aching for
A fight to remember these things
Fill me up so that I always choke
Each memory is a mixture
Of instrument and ?honey?

. . .

My dearest friend you can
My dearest friend you can
You can get well
You can heat up
You can heat up get well surely you can
My dearest friend don't go
My dearest friend don't go
Don't go to war
Don't choose to go
You will not win down the the cursed path of war
This is the future of an illusion
Aggressive culture of despotism
Living fantasy of the immortal
The reality of an animal

. . .

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