All for money!
Save your money!
Hide your money!
Stuff your money!
Hump your money!
Keep your money!
All for money...!
Waning patience,
Peoples appetite,
This possession,
Dispossessed from all the attractions,
Dancing bears of eroticism,
Self-absorbed delusion,
Inclusion of dysfunction,
I now await the triumphant,
Lost baggage, train station...
The causes of ineptitude,
Can be traced to my mandatory down,
The causes of my servitude,
Can be traced to the tyranny of...
All for money!
Make your money!
Hide your money!
Stuff your money!
Hump your money!
Save your money!
All for money...!
My final surrender,
Away from inclusion,
I now await the triumphant,
Left baggage, train station...
The causes of ineptitude,
Can be traced to my mandatory down,
The causes of my servitude,
Can be taced to the tyranny of a down,
The causes of ineptitude,
Can be traced to my mandatory down,
The causes of my servitude,
Can be traced to the tyranny of...
All for money!
Make your money!
Hide your money!
Stuff your money!
Hump your money!
Save your money!
All for money!
Money, money, money, money...