I follow the steps I see In front of me
They are deep and well-defined
the show an undefined but straight path
What has gone through me will never return
future won't let me look back
I just walk, I don't evolve, I just walk
Animals return by my side
They try communicate, each one in its own way
But I can't understand
I feel alone on this irrational planet
To create pr just observe
I keep waiting on this desert made of ideas
Primitve future
My head is heave but empty
Everything around me is void, without movement
without perspectives
The night invades the sky
That darkness the dry ground
Making my shadow join the big stain thats forming
My steps on skulls of generations that have not formed
I hear painfull cries of vars that are to come
To create everything again, from the beginning
To teach new minds
To awake a sleeping giant buried
On the ashes of disgrace
Its scronful the way I live
I look well, I think I'm well
Thats all...
I follow the steps I see in front of me
They are deep and well-defined
They show an undefined but straight path
What has gone through me will never return
primitive future