(Midnight On The Anchorage)
Gealach air an acairseid
Ceatharnach 'na fheileadh
"Te bhan, te bhuidhe bhan"
Mu meadhan oidhche (repeat four times)
Clann-nighean og 's balaich a' bhaile a' cruinneachadh
mu bhuth Dhoilidhe 's mu bhuth Chroinns
A' coiseachd, 's a' suiridhe 's a' caithris na h-oidhche
Gealach air an acairseid
Ceatharnach 'na fheileadh
"Te bhan, te bhuidhe bhan"
Mu meadhan oidhche (repeat two times)
Tionndadh a' chlair air ais na bliadhnaichean abachaidh a' ghraidh.
Am Bagh Cuilcee Aird an Aiseigs Lag an Domhainn, Ceann a' Bhaigh.
Tionndadh a' chlair air ais, meadhan oidhche, gealach s gealladh.
Sheas an cruthachadh stolda air rathad a' steisean.
Sheas na eathraichean aig tamh
Gealach air an acairseid
Ceatharnach 'na fheileadh
"Te bhan, te bhuidhe bhan"
Mu meadhan oidhche (repeat two times)
Bhidh sinne 's crathadh lamh againn
Is bilean blath toirt phog"
Cridhe baidheil caoimhneil
Cho tairis ris an or
An guth s an t-seist a' glaodhaich
"Far an robh mi'n raoir"
Na bliadhnaichean a' tionndadh
Briathran mor Mhicleoid
Gealach air an acairseid
Ceatharnach 'na fheileadh
"Te bhan, te bhuidhe bhan"
Mu meadhan oidhche (repeat ten times and fade out)
A moon on the anchorage
A champion, a kilt
"A fair haired girl, a golden fair haired girl"
Around midnight (repeat four times)
The young girls and the village boys meeting around
Doilidhs' shop, and around Croinns' shop
Walking out, courting and night visiting
A moon on the anchorage
A champion, a kilt
"A fair haired girl, a golden fair haired girl"
Around midnight (repeat two times)
Turnining the recording back. The years of ripening love
The Bagh Cuilce, Aird an Aiseig, Laggandoin, Bayhead
Turnining the recording back, midnight, a moon and a promise,
The creation stood still on the curing station road
All of the boats stood at rest
A moon on the anchorage
A champion, a kilt
"A fair haired girl, a golden fair haired girl"
Around midnight (repeat two times)
"In that place there will be clasping of hands
And warm lips to kiss"
The heart of affection and human kindness
Sincere, pure as gold
The voice and the chorus proclaming
"Where was I last night"
The years are turning back
The big words of Macleod
A moon on the anchorage
A champion, a kilt
"A fair haired girl, a golden fair haired girl"
Around midnight (repeat ten times and fade out)
The Wedding
The air was swaying round the first guitar I remember
We crossed the river by the Ostrum wall 'neath the stars
To where the wedding filled the hall
My father sang a song
Crossing the river, caught in the rain
Crossing the rhythm, caught in the rain
Chased Cathy round the trestles at the edge of the eightsome
We watched the lovers round the lodge at the edge of the sea
White lights and wooden boards
We watched the village take the floor
Crossing the river, caught in the rain
Crossing the rhythm, caught in the rain
There is so much I could say to you, but
Tonight I'm sticking to the past like glue
When life gets tough, when times get hard
You have to know exactly who you are
Arm in arm, hand in hand
You take this woman, you take this man
Spirit dancing evermore
Endless circles round the floor
Last night I drove my children down by the river
Past the windows of the hall and the dusts of our years
Then the radio came on
They said "someone's playing our song"
Crossing the river, caught in the rain
Crossing the rhythm, caught in the rain
Crossing the river, caught in the rain
Crossing the rhythm, caught (caught, caught) in the rain