You don't have to be rich, I don't have to be drunk in a ditch
You don't have to be the top of your class, I don't have to have huevos of brass
You don't have to be cute, I don't have to look good in a suit
You don't have to have a dog in this race
I don't have to have an egg on my face
The outsider is watching your back
The outsider cut me some slack
The outsider just a little off keel
The outsider is something you feel
I don't have to be straight, you don't have to be something I hate
I don't have to be white as a ghost, you don't have to be dumb as a post
I don't have to be hip, you don't have to start losing your grip
I don't have to be right if you're wrong
You don't have to be weak if I'm strong
The outsider like a coat when you're cold
The outsider like a friend when you're old
The outsider a little devil may care
The outsider is just something that's there
You don't wanna be a saint, I don't wanna be something I ain't
First you get a little long in the tooth, next you try to find a fountain of youth
It's a pain in the butt, that's the trouble when you're stuck in a rut
We don't have to find a permanent bliss, but we've gotta do better than this
The outsider like a stone you don't throw
The outsider like a bomb you don't blow
The outsider like a mountain don't move
The outsider's got nothing to prove