This is nasty nodge from 'W fuck all y'all' radio
And for y'all bitches who missed the million chicken head march
We got it on tape and dat shit is hot
Too too too, too hot for TV
We had alot of speakers out there
Who touched on alot of important chicken head issues
This is is Liuidasha president of the baby mother colition
Can I get my unn flauk-a-laka sistas
Our movement stands for 3 basic principles
First of all baby mothers should stick together
Even when we got baby's by the same nigga
I'm saying, with checks need to get increased to 40 cans
Of fuckin' imfamil a month
And fellow chickedees our most important issue is
Why should we turn in our baby father for child support
When we applying for welfare and foodstamps
Baby mothers we must stick together in order to survive
In a world of bougie hoes, too too too too hot for TV
And our second speaker also talked about this chicken
I'm Quantaniqua, the coach here of Reebok
Yesterday, today, and forever the 54 eleven chapter
Fuck tax free week I tax fair on my mothafuckin' Reebok's all year round
Say un, flauk-a-laka-laka, too too too too hot for TV
This is day rocking real coming here from 'Fuck all y'all' radio