You're killing me with bacon, America,
killing me with smog and taxes,
Like axes in my neck, like hogs to the slaughter,
what do I tell my daughters? Daddy's all heart
but he's pushing a cart way downtown
where the skin is brown and eyes are the size of the deficit?
You're killing me with bacon, America,
just like the indians with tobacco and flour and firewater,
heroin scabs and rehabs, sick in the blood,
face down in the mud, all hype and gripes, stars and stripes
ain't my flag today. I want to belong, I want to be proud
but your gay-bashing voices are so fucking loud.
My choices are shrinking like bacon in the pan,
the spatter of hot grease spitting like mad geese,
bombers in Baghdad, I am a college grad
but my life is a want-ad.
You're killing me with bacon, America, how shall I pray,
the old fashioned way? Down on my knees to the god of the weak?
Or dick-deep in my squeeze, wearing a red rubber nose, clown clothes?
Laughing as we cum and saying something stupid like...
One egg split two eggs, three makes it four legs,
Why is it opposite?
Anyone's sweater makes it feel better, wrapped up so tight in it
One day is two days, three makes it always
When is it going to fit?
Everyone's laughter caught by the natter
Weaving their web so glib
*distorted lyrics*
Four days fit five days, six ways to Sunday
What if the world is shit
One year splits two hairs, three inching war dicks
Where is the love in it?
Watch from the Rafters, he's running after
Noise from a chickens tit
Five days fit four days, six ways to Sunday
What if the world is shit?
*distorted lyrics*