The whale song! But where's it coming from?
Oh ha ha ha! Oh!
Well my lad you've come aboard then! You look as if you wanted a breath of sea air!
I want to fish.
Well you've got a lovely day for it! Hahahaha!
Hold back, 300 metres port bow captain!
I can just see the whale coming out of the mist.
They heard a gurgling sound, and the head of the whale rose above the surface of the water.
There's a whale, there's a whale
There's a whale fish, he cried
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, There's a whale
There's a whale fish's bow
And the whale was in full view
Whale fish, whale fish, whale fish
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, there's a whale, there's a whale fish
And the whale was in full view
The huge fish emerged from the water
It looked dreadful.
It was covered in mud and green weed.
You call that a whale?
Aargh! What sorta fish are you?!
I'm not a real fish at all you stupid man.
What are you if you're not a fish?
You certainly look like a fish..
Well, I certainly don't feel like a fish.
There's a whale, there's a whale
There's a whale fish he cried
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, There's a whale
There's a whale fish's bow
And the whale was in full view
Whale fish, whale fish, whale fish
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, there's a whale, There's a whale fish
And the whale was in full view
Just then he fell into the sea
Man overboard!
Do something fast!
Swim for it!
I.. I can't swim!
Can't swim! Well well, fancy that!
The lifeboat came to the rescue.
"I've been shipwrecked!"
Well after being shipwrecked no doubt you'll be ready for lunch!
When the fisherman got his breath back
They had a lovely picnic supper of fish and chips
It was the best fish supper they'd ever tasted
It was delicious
There's a whale, there's a whale
There's a whale fish he cried
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, There's a whale
There's a whale fish's bow
And the whale was in full view
Whale fish, whale fish, whale fish
And the whale was in full view
There's a whale, there's a whale, There's a whale fish
And the whale was in full view
Whales! Great creatures of the sea!
Please listen to me!
Whales, whales, whales, whales..
Whales, I am your friend
On the bed of the ocean
No doubt!
"Thank you, great fish!"