Fight - #08 - Inferno (2004)
Midnight, midnight
Midnight beat the drum
Black night, black night
Black night, cut and run
Slaughter, slaughter
Slaughter, flee your bed
Quarter, no quarter
No quarter, don't lose your head
Fighting in the west
Fighting in the east
Fighting like a beast
You must stand and Fight
Fight, Fight, Fight
Fight, make it right
Fight, Fight
Fighting, fighting
Fighting, for your life
Riding, riding
Riding, endless nights
Laughing, laughing
Laughing, to our death
Laughing, laughing
Laughing, to our final breath
Fighting in the west
Fighting in the east
What a bloody mess
You will stand and Fight
Fight, Fight, Fight
Fight, make it right
Fight, Fight
... Head Tall
Reaver, reaver
Reaver, riding fast
Believer, believer
Believer, loyal to the last
Faithful, faithful
Faithful, to our creed
Soldier, till it's over
Till it's over, everything we need
Fighting to the last
Fighting to the death
Your last dying breath
You must stand and Fight
Fight, Fight, Fight
Fight, make it right
Fight, Fight
Fight, stand and Fight
Stand and Fight, stand and Fight
Make it right, stand and Fight
You must Fight, Fight
You motherfucker