(...) Wait a minute (...)
Everywhere I go,
Everyone I know, is searching
For some kind of answer
Stars are shining by
They decorate the night, in gemini,
Sagitarious and cancer
Somewhere out there,
A mysterious form of light is awaiting
They're gonna save us, make us famous
And we wont have to feel so all alone
::: Chorus :::
Out on the edge of the the milky way
Far from the paradise, going to school, serving time
On the edge of the the milky way
Dropped us off, and left us here
Smoking up the atmosphere
Lots of boys and girls
Living in this world are thinking
We need to go faster
We're picking up the pace
In the human race
We don't worry about disaster
(...) don't worry babe (...)
Somewhere in there,
An important part of our collected brain is missing
Is outrageous, like las vegas
We are all together, but we are all alone
::: Chorus :::
Out on the edge of the the milky way
Far from the paradise, going to school, serving time
On the edge of the the milky way
Dropped us off, left us here
Smoking up, the atmosphere
Can somebody tell me,
Where is everybody going
(...) Wait a minute (...)
Somewhere out there
Come on back and save us
Maybe they'll, come on back
We are going to paradise, (???)
Welcome to the penitenciary
The ultimate place to live your life
In paradise or misery
::: Chorus :::
I keep on edge of the the milky way
Far from the paradise, going to school, serving time
On the edge of the the milky way
Dropped us off, and left us here
Smoking up, the atmosphere
On the edge of the the milky way
Far from the paradise, going to school, serving time
On the edge of the the milky way
The drop is off, left us here
Smoking up, the atmosphere
With no possible way of making a connection, Oh Yeah
Come on back, maybe they'll save us
Savers from ourselves, Oh Yeah