I thought I'd teach my robot to write all of my songs
I thought I'd teach my robot to write all my songs
And I'd send him out into the morning to see what he could see -
Just to roll around the city, and store it all up in his memory
Then when he got back he could cut up the drum breaks
Make the loops
I thought I'd teach my robot to write all my songs
And I sent off for the book that told me how to re-arrange its circuits
I bought all the new bits it said I would need
Then I opened my robot up
And I got to work
I thought I'd teach my robot to write all my songs
And I spent days soldering -
Till the whole house smelt like the Paris metro
In summertime
And I was driving on by the thought
Of how I would have the time just to live
When he made all the loops
And when finally I was finished
And I switched him back on
Nothing happened
He didn't work at all
And now I've spent months on him
Hours and hours every day
And a lot of money too
And he just lies in pieces in the corner of the room
Totally useless