So many different religions
And so many different churches
And if God really loves me
Then why does life keep hurting me
If you ever ask these questions
Well my friend, I got the answer
Just listen
You have the power
To make the season change
The river flows for You
The wind whispers Your name
For me You left Your throne
And traded crown for thorns instead
I'm safe within not by Your skin
But because your blood was red
Some say you're black, you're white
They question if You're real
We treat You like, we treat ourselves
I wonder how You feel
To see Your children fight inspite
The tears for us You shed
Doesn't matter what color You are
As long as Your blood was red
For it's strong enough, to wash away my sins
And it's pure enough, to cleanse me deep within
And it's real enough, to find me when I'm lost
Great enough, to die upon the cross
Doesn't matter what color You are
As long as Your blood was red
We may be different but
The God we serves the same
Yet every Sunday we seperate
And bring our Father pain
Your name is higher than any other
Yet You took my place instead
Ahora mis pecados son limpios
Because Your blood was red
Oh, precious is that flow
That makes white as snow
No other fount I know
[soloist #1]
Doesn't matter what color You are
As long as Your blood was red
[soloist #2]
Doesn't matter what color You are
As long as Your blood was red
[soloist #3]
Doesn't matter what color I am
As long as Your blood was red
[soloist #3]
As long as my blood was red