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Jag Panzer

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Jag Panzer Album

Thane To The Throne (2000)
The Premonition
Banquo's Final Rest
The Prophecies (Fugue In D Minor)
Requiem For Lady Macbeth
The Downward Fall
. . .

(Briody / Conklin)

Duncan whom now is King of Scotland
Hears of a victorious battle won by his noblemen
Banquo and MacBeth
To award MacBeth for his bravery in battle
Duncan orders the rebel Thane of Cawdor assassinated
As the witches words unfold into this terrible tale of fate
MacBeth accepts the title Thane of Cawdor

I am mighty. Death follows in my wake
None will stand against my sword
I thank thee Duncan thou art of kingly blood
Proudly I do accept this ward

Thane of Cawdor dubbed by the king
All men will testify this day

Banquo, my friend can ye trust thine eyes
Set forth announce of my new name
I will enforce that Malcolm shall be heir
Of kingly blood they are the same

Thane to the throne of Duncan the king
All men will testify this day

The sister's words have come to light
To seize the throne with all my might
The throne is in sight!

I must devise a way Duncan's crown to gain
I know it's madness, I'm compelled
M'lady must aid my hand, I cannot commit alone
Deep in my heart this madness swells

Thane of Cawdor soon to be king
In bloody crime of fate

. . .

Tis' now the hour to seize the throne
I've not the will to go it alone.
I foresee a blade in Duncan's chest.
Last drop of blood i do invest.

The mirror knows the face no one else can know.
Points to a path that i must go

The moon will bring a change tonight
A sleep no one will see my blade
A dagger's thrust will be his end this night
Then to be king i'll pay the price

The lady and I devised a plan
Duncan expires by my hand
I deserve the place where he now stands
To be the ruler of this land

The mirror knows a face no one else can know
Points to a path that i must go

The moon will bring a change tonight
A sleep no one will see my blade
A dagger's thrust will be his end this night
Then to be king ill pay the price

A bloody scene i commit this day,
Torments my mind i must block it away
Place the blame on drunken fools.
Then in my innocence i will rule.

The mirror knows a face no one else can know
Points to the path that i must go

A bloody blade brings change tonight
I am innocent in my blight.
Regal in stature, i take whats mine.
I will be king,
At any price,
At any price.
Regal in stature i take whats mine,
At any price,
At any price.

. . .

(Broderick / Conklin)

In my mind's eye I raise a dagger
With means to end Duncan's life
This thought possesses even in slumber
I will commit this ghastly deed
On my servants I'll place the blame

(Lady MacBeth)
You must strike. The time is thine
They'll crown Mac Beth as next in line
This kingdom ours, now is the time
We commit this bloody crime

The deed is finished! What have I done? My eyes see only the stain of red

(Lady MacBeth)
Consider not so deeply. Your strength is weakness
As pictures are the sleeping and the dead

I cannot return, they all are slain

I now bath in pools of red
This deadly deed hangs on my head
When this night is over I shall be king
(Spoken) And this will all be behind us

(Lady MacBeth)
Go wash our sins away, we'll be sane tomorrow
When blame is placed and we are cleared
Go now my king to be and do not sorrow
For you and I have kingship near

(MacBeth & Lady MacBeth)
Tomorrow all will testify
MacBeth is innocent this night

. . .

The Premonition

[No lyrics]

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[Broderick / Conklin]

Me thinks something amiss, my friend MacBeth has done wrong
Has he committed a crime? to gain his kingdom
Is the lady part of this scheme? They both sin one in the same
I must warn all. And bring this carnage to an end

Banquo, how can thee betray me?
Banquo, now I must slay thee

My lady, our sins are out in the open
Our friend suspects that we are to blame

I will hire assassins to rid us of him
No one will know that we are to blame
Now that Banquo is gone we can enjoy our estate

Banquo, how can thee betray me?
Banquo, now I must slay thee

Reap what you sow, sow what you reap

. . .

(Broderick / Conklin)

Banquo is gone, his soul I feel
My eyes are closed his words are real

So much to ponder, so much has changed
Not long ago I was a nobleman, now I am king
My lady and my guests await me in honor
My thoughts haunt me inside on the path I've laid

I shake with fear, his voice I hear
Banquo is dead, now he's in my head

He haunts my night. He haunts my day
Leave my mind, my friend; leave my guilt, I pray

Leave my lady; excuse our guests for you see I'm mad
Rid with guilt I've slain my friend, lost the bond we had
I must flee to the witches' place and give my mind rest
I fear more murder to do; we'll be put to the test

. . .

Banquo's Final Rest

[No lyrics]

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(Briody / Conklin)

MacBeth, MacBeth, beware MacDuff
Beware the Thane of Fife. Enough!

Where didst thou leave? Yet give warn
Why fear MacDuff? I need hear more!

Ye Macbeth you're kingship will stay
Til Birnam wood shall meet Dunsinane

Live on MacDuff, why should I fear
You too must die, My guilt to clear

I am MacBeth! I will stand strong! And forever reign

Laugh in the face of men who come to slay thee
No one of woman born may lay hands against thee

(MacBeth spoken)
"Then I will slay MacDuff and his family anon"

I am MacBeth, none will defy, even MacDuff
I seal a bond to rid this earth the name MacDuff

Time is now to strike his family down
I hear MacDuff has left them all alone
No talk of murders and dead
Retain the crown upon my head

I am Mac Beth. All testify I will survive
I crush the words those who defy. None left alive

. . .

(Broderick / Conklin)

MacDuff has left his house open to doom by my sinister hands
My men and I will make short work of it

Icy hand of death tight round his neck, the whole world crumbles down
A loser in life this madness will end. Tonight.

When MacDuff's eyes grasp what I've taken from him he will cower in pain
Then I'll crush his heart as it cries in my hands

MacBeth will pay for what he has done. Malcolm, I ask your help
Ten thousand troops shall storm Dunsinane

Icy hand of death tight round his neck, the whole world crumbles down
A loser in life this madness will end. Tonight.

Icy hand of death tight round his neck, the whole world crumbles down
A loser in life this madness will end. Tonight.

MacBeth will rue the day that he dealt with a man such as I
Dunsinane shall fall as I take his head

. . .

The Prophecies (Fugue In D Minor)

[No lyrics]

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[Broderick / Conklin]

In my mind I see the terrible deeds we've done
Convincing of the loved MacBeth to gain the crown
All I wanted was to taste of royal blood
Beholding things of kings has me drowning in a flood of treachery

All I see is red. Staining things once pure
All I see is red. Cannot wash the stains

All I want in life is to wear regal robes and dance upon the courts of kings for a while
Cannot erase this guilt contained within my mind.
Demands a heavy price.
I pay it with my life

All I see is red. Staining things once pure
All I see is red. Cannot wash the stains

I welcome death, and the final rest it brings.
Peaceful sleep. Peaceful sleep!

I welcome death, and the final rest it brings.
Peaceful sleep. Peaceful sleep!

All I see is red. Staining things once pure
All I see is red. Cannot wash the stains

All I see is red. Staining things once pure
All I see is red. Cannot wash the stains

Goodbye, MacBeth, goodnight, my sweet
The dagger's pierce brings needed peace

. . .

Requiem For Lady Macbeth

[No lyrics]

. . .

[Briody / Conklin]

Birnham Wood is growing to meet the walls of Dunsinane
Prophecy is unfolding. Can it be I've gone insane?

None of woman born can take my life
Now the end is here
Yet my kingdom falls here on this night
Heed the face of fear

All my plans are laid open for all eyes to know
With my lady now taken, is my throne now next to go?

None of woman born can take my life
Now the end is here
Yet my kingdom falls here on this night

None of woman born can take my life
Now the end is here
Yet my kingdom falls here on this night
Heed the face of fear

Time will tell my end is near
Now the end is here
Can no one know my face of fear
Heed the face of fear

None of woman born can end this reign
Now the end is here
Can it be I've gone insane?
Heed the face of fear

. . .

(Broderick / Conklin)

As Lady MacBeth's life fades, Malcolm's rebels and the Scottish Army join at Birnham Wood. Malcolm
instructs the men to cut down branches and hide their vast numbers from the castle. As they begin to
approach with Lady MacBeth now gone and MacDuff's entire family slain, the two men are now driven
by vengeance.

Look, Sir, Birnham Wood is growing towards the castle!

By the gods! The witches prophecy come true, stay hold, I go!

Unleash the fury contained within. Each swing of my blade another life gone
The Commander's son was such an easy kill
No man can harm me. None of woman born.

Storm the castle with Malcolm at my side I will find MacBeth
Avenge my house by taking the crown along with his head

I must flee this place of madness and find MacDuff
Seal forever the crown that now rests on my brow

I will find MacBeth, relieve him of his head
End his reign in blood. End this day in death.

The fall of Dunsinane begins my vengeance
Rid England of this murdering thief
All who are with me help me find this fool
All eyes will testify his end

MacBeth & MacDuff find each other and are face to face at last. MacDuff, knowing that MacBeth has
already laid his entire family to rest, fears for his life, yet is driven by vengeance to fight MacBeth to the death.
MacBeth, assured that no man born of a woman may harm him is more than ready to bring this madness
to close.

. . .

[Briody / Conklin]

Turn,turn Hellhound, turn and face your death
Your bloodline is over. By the name of MacBeth

I command the throne, none can defy
None of woman born, None of woman born

Foolish tyrant, you have no days left
Ripped from the womb at my mother's death

I am the doom you face in your dreams

Let steel ring out. Damn thee who cries hold.

Your head my prize now. The prophecy foretold.

The tyrant's reign is at an end, Malcolm is king
All serve his name. Our solemn king.
Fate triumphs this day!

. . .

The Downward Fall

[No lyrics]

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(Three Sisters)
We three sisters, weird sisters indeed
Plant in Macbeth the tyrant's seed
As it grows from thane to king
Deceit and murder is reaped

The sister's prophecy has won me title of thane
Yet I feel I'm so much more, my lady feels the same
I can be king with just a dagger's thrust
Careful planning and this bloody deed is done
I cannot commit alone, my lady must attend
Together we will wear the gowns of royalty in the end

(Duet- Macbeth & Lady)
We can do all things, hand in hand
We can live as kings, hand in hand

This night, together we commit this bloody deed
No one will suspect us in doing such a thing
We'll place the blame on the servant we shall kill
Leave no witnesses and erase our guilt
We are so clever, none shall suspect
On the morrow, they will place the crown on my head

(Duet - Macbeth & Lady)
We can do all things, hand in hand
We can live as kings, hand in hand

We have been betrayed. Banquo, our trusted friend
Suspects our plot to be rulers of this land
Banquo, your life will be rid of this world
I shall not regret, our innocence protect

We can do all things, we can live as kings
We can do all things, we can live as kings

I must seek the sisters to guide me in my plight
There must be more, I go this night

(Three Sisters)
We see apparitions, three that show their face
Beware Macbeth, beware Macbeth

We can do all things, we can live as kings
We can do all things, we can live as kings

Destroy Macduff on this very night
I am Macbeth, none can defy

Join me, young Malcolm, rid me of this bane
Standing together, we will seize Dunsinane

We can do all things, we can live as kings
We can do all things, we can live as kings

We can do all things, we can live as kings
We can do all things, we can live as kings

(Lady Macbeth)
I cannot rid my mind of guilt
The stains of blood will not wash clean
Tonight I end this nightmare I've made
And finally rest in peace

Damn my heart, my lady is gone
All we've made has turned to ash
I will avenge her death on Macduff's head
No man shall take me, none of woman born!

Birnham Wood is growing
My world comes crashing down
None of woman born will take me

Ripped from the womb was I

. . .

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