(You keep on) worrying me, and soon, I'll be gone...
(You keep on) worrying me, and you'll be left alone...
(I'm almost...) I'm almost crazy...
Dear My Man,
I know you'll probably think silly of me for what I'm about to say, but this... this has been on my mind for quite some time. First... first, I want you to help me to understand... understand the things you do that hurts me so. There should be no doubt whether or not I'll understand. Because... because, honey, I love you. And my love for you hides all faults. You see... see honey, at times I get the feeling that you don't care, and I believe I am just another woman in your life. Then again I feel that I'm... that I'm all in this world that matters to you. Is it in my mind? If you would... if you would just tell me, I would understand. Because... I am yours. You control every movement!
I worry so much I make myself sick...
Wonder why we can't get along?
I tried so hard, in many, many ways...
Second, the second is trust. I trust you heartily, in anything you say or do. You know you can lie to me, and really, really, I don't want to know the truth! Nobody can make me believe different. All I ask... is an... is an understanding, and sometimes... sometimes if you would just tell me that you love me... and that... and that you are mine. Because I am yours! Heart, body, and soul, I'm yours! And I'm with you, for you, in anything you do or say.
Yours, lifetime,