Let's take the longest way
through the hallways of your mind.
Upon your knees, the phantom breeze
of a shipwreck lost in time.
Your envy mirror, the kelly fear
adorns the walls in slime.
Figure it out, just like you used to do.
In the absence of proud, that's when
you're cursed to prove.
And as the perfect wings'll glide, cleansed
are men of all the mice.
Past the pain, we tend to strive, or that's
how it seems to beginners.
Accept awards throughout our lives, to make
young lovers intertwine.
Perhaps the end will come tonight, so
hooray for the Winners.
A vast abyss, where lie dismissed ideas
of yours and mine.
But brought to kneel by the Grecian Seal, we
join the family line.
You'll never thrill the bold divisions in the sky, of
whom predestined you to always be
the last in line.
( Accept awards throughout our lives, to make
young lovers intertwine.
Perhaps the end will come tonight.
Past the pain we tend to strive.
Because the Winner's young and bright.)
So hooray for the Winners.
Let the heavens make it right.
A warm and gentle breeze at night.
Bereft, you are of plan to gain no mystery, you're
no surprise, we're born to fight.
Suck the marrow of life, the Winners forever preside.