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Chris De Burgh
Chris De Burgh

Background information
Birth name Christopher John Davison
Born October 15, 1948
Origin Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe Province, Argentina
Genre(s) Soft Rock
Pop Rock
Years active 1974—present
Label(s) A&M Records
Edel Music
Website Website

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Chris De Burgh Album

Crusader (1979)
. . .

Whatever the words that you hear,
Somehow the meaning is clear,
We're all on the same ship together, moving on,

From the first time that life could be heard,
To the last sounds of men on this earth,
The question is always the same, where are we going, where are we going?

Ooh carry on, carry on,
There's a silver light beside you,
Take the hand that's there to guide you
Through this night to where we came from,
Carry on, carry on,
When the autumn leaves are falling,
And you hear the voices calling you away,
Then do not fear, you'll carry on,
Carry on, carry on...

Love is the daughter of life, comfort to trouble and strife,
She's always beside you to help you carry on,

Oh they say that the stars in the sky,
Are the souls of the people who die,
Will we meet them again when we reach our destination?

Sratseht rofesruo cates,
Nwonknu no it anitsed,
Dlroweht gnillacsi esrevinu eht,
Ecalp gnitser lanif dnatsal rehs-drawot,

Ooh carry on, carry on,
There's a silver light beside you,
Take the hand that's there to guide you
Through this night to where we came from,
Carry on, carry on,
When the autumn leaves are falling,
And you hear the voices calling you away,
Then do not fear, you'll carry on, carry on,

. . .

Show me a man secure in his love,
And I'll show you a lucky man;
I loved her too well and I just couldn't tell,
She was holding another hand,
And when she said that she would leave in the morning,
I broke down and cried,

'Cos I had the love in my eyes, I just didn't see it,
Such a surprise, I just don't believe it,
Somebody took her away, oh I was blind,
I had the love in my eyes...

Day after day, in so many ways,
I gave her the best of me,
But she wanted more, and she opened the door,
Well I hope that you find what you need;
And all the time I thought that she was beside me,
She was drifting away,

But I had the love in my eyes, I just didn't see it,
Such a surprise, I just don't believe it,
Somebody took her away, oh I was blind,
I had the love in my eyes,

. . .

Peace and understanding is the wisdom of her world,
She loves without a reason, she gives without a word,
There are those who make me smile, brighten up my day,
But oh this woman she is something else again;

All the nights I've ever known are waiting in her eyes,
Sparkling like the silver, brimming like the wine,
Other lovers laid me down, took my breath away,
But oh this woman she is something else again,

Oh she is a friend to me,
Holds me in my tears,
She said "Yes, you will be young again
When you look back through the years"...

So take your woman by the hand, love her till she dies,
Be strong when she needs you, hold her when she cries,
And if a man should say to you, love just brings you pain,
You tell him "No, my woman's something else again,

. . .

There once was a king, who called for the spring,
For his world was still covered with snow,
But the spring had not been, for he was wicked and mean,
In his winter fields nothing would grow;
And when a traveller called, seeking help at the door,
Only food and a bed for a night,
He ordered his slave to turn her away,
The girl with April in her eyes...

Oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes,
Through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow,
Hi, hi, hi, on and on she rides,
Someone help the girl with April in her eyes...

She rode through the night till she came to the light,
Of a humble man's home in the woods,
He brought her inside, by the firelight she died,
And he buried her gently and good;
Oh the morning was bright, all the world snow-white,
But when he came to the place where she lay,
His field was ablaze with flowers on the grave,
Of the girl with April in her eyes...

Oh, oh, oh, on and on she goes,
Through the winter's night, the wild wind and the snow,
Hi, hi, hi, on and on she flies,

. . .

Just in time I heard the cry,
And looking up I saw the snowbirds wheeling in the sky;
They said, "We are the last ones left",
And so I brought them in , I gave them comfort, gave them rest,

Just in time, to live another day,
Just in time, oh they'll live another day;

Just in time I read the Book,
Such a revelation, we must give back what we took,
Or the Earth will roar like a wounded beast,
The mountains will come crashing from the valleys to the sea,

Just in time, oh don't throw it all away,
Just in time, don't throw it all away...

"Who will save this world of mine,
Will you save it just in time?"

Just in time, I saw the dawn,
Watched the sun arising on a field of golden corn,
And through the mist, a million sang,
Friends of the Earth, calling out to every man,

Just in time, oh don't throw it all away, no, no, no,
Just in time, oh we'll live another day...

Ooh, how can I tell you how close we have come,
That the end of our world has already begun,
There are so many things we will not see again,
Every day there's another one dying away...

Calling for help,
Help from your hand,
Hand coming down,
Down to the world;
World it is time,
Time for us all,
And all that is life,

. . .

Can you hear me, are you listening, has your programme disappeared?
I can see you, I am watching you, I've been planning this for years.
I have blacked out you television, every station in the world is mine,
And there are millions who are just like you as you sit there, paralysed!
I have some orders which you will follow, and there's nothing you can do,
'Cos as you're looking at your T.V. screen, I am looking back at you...

Oh side by side,
We will cross that Great Divide,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's Eye!
Oh nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's Eye...

Turn your dial to the number that is shining on your screen,
You will notice that everything is red, you won't need blue or green,
All around me, fire is burning, yes I'm calling you from Hell,
And all those people who haven't seen me yet, will soon be under my spell.

Something's happening, sounds like thunder, maybe the Lord is on His way,
He's still angry and He's after me since I cheated on the Spanish Train,
Oh yes He's coming, and He could stop me, but He'd better make it soon,
'Cos the last time that I won a world, I made it into a moon...

Oh side by side,
We will cross that Great Divide,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's Eye;

Oh side by side,
Forever we will ride,
'Cos nothing's gonna save you now from the Devil's Eye!

I can see you,

. . .

Sitting by the window of this broken-down hotel,
Trying to write a letter just to show you that I'm well,
But I've been watching all the people as they cross the marketplace,
And though there really is no reason, I've been looking for your face,

It's such a long way home,
It's such a long way home;
It's such a long way;

Standing by the aeroplane she held me in her arms,
And then she whispered "Oh dear Lord don't let him come to any harm"
And as we turned to fly away I saw her standing on her own,
It seemed her hand was waving not goodbye but "Please come home",

It's such a long way home,
It's such a long way home,
It's such a long way;

Oh so many people have to travel away,
From the ones that they love and they need,
But I want to tell you that all your life,
You can depend on me;

Far away a saxophone lingers on a tune,
And it's the kind of song that someone wrote for lovers and a moon,
And as the band begins to play it, with a shock I realize,
That it's a song we sang together and it nearly makes me cry,

It's such a long way home,
It's such a long way home,
It's such a long way home

. . .

Old-fashioned people, they never know why,
The world is changing day to day,
It moves so fast and leaves them in another time;

An old-fashioned dancer is dancing alone,
Dreaming of those music halls,
And with his lady waltzing away until the dawn,

And I thought I heard him say,
Please don't take my dreams away;

They carry me back again, show me that life again,
Carry me back to the places that I knew,
Carry me back again, show me that life again,
Carry me back to the places that I knew...

Old-fashioned lovers, they walk in the park,
Beside the river hand in hand,
And hurry home for tea before it gets dark,

Could be you and me one day,
Time will come when we will say,

Carry me back again, show me that life again,
Carry me back to the places that I knew,
Carry me back again, show me that life again,
Carry me back to the places that I knew;
Carry me back again, show me that life again,

. . .

Oh my love the evening light is catching colours in your eyes,
Take another glass of wine and bring your body next to mine;
Tell me all the things you've done since you went away this morning,
Oh these quiet moments make my day, we must never let them slip away...

People everywhere the same, they're so busy they don't get together,

. . .

"What do I do next?" said the Bishop to the Priest,
"I have spent my whole life waiting, preparing for the Feast,
And now you say Jerusalem has fallen and is lost,
The King of Heathen Saracen has seized the holy cross."

Then the Priest said "Oh my Bishop, we must put them to the sword,
For God in all his mercy will find a just reward,
For the Noblemen and sinners, and Knights of ready hand
Who will be the Lord's Crusader, send word throughout all the land,

Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost;"

"Tell me what to do", said the King upon his throne,
"but speak to me in whispers for we are not alone,
They tell me that Jerusalem has fallen to the hand
Of some bedevilled Eastern heathen who has seized the Holy land;"

Then the Chamberlain said "Lord, we must call upon our foes
In Spain and France and Germany to end our bitter wars,
All Christian men must be as one and gather for the fight,
You will be their leader, begin the battle cry,

Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost"...

Ooh, high on a hill, in the town of Jerusalem,
There stood Saladin, the King of the Saracens,
Whoring and drinking and snoring and sinking, around him his army lay,
Secure in the knowledge that they had won the day;

A messenger came, blood on his feet and a wound in his chest,
"The Christians are coming!" he said, "I have seen their Cross in the West,"
In a rage Saladin struck him down with his knife
And he said "I know that this man lies,
They quarrel too much, the Christians could never unite!

I am invincible, I am the King,
I am invincible, and I will win..."

Close they came, the army of Richard the Lionheart,
Marching by day and night, with soldiers from every part,
And when the Crusaders came over the mountain and they saw Jerusalem,
They fell to their knees and prayed for her release;

They started the battle at dawn, taking the city by storm,
With horsemen and bowmen and engines of war,
They broke through the city walls,
The Heathens were flying and screaming and dying,
And the Christian swords were strong,
And Saladin ran when he heard their victory song;

"We are invincible, God is the King,
We are invincible, and we will win!"

"What do I do now?" said the Wiseman to the Fool,
"I have spent my whole life waiting, to find the Golden Rule,
Though centuries have disappeared, the memory still remains
Of those enemies together, could it be that way again?"

Then the Fool said "Oh you Wise men, you really make me laugh,
With your talk of vast persuasion and searching through the past,
There is only greed and evil in the men that fight today,
The Song of the Crusader has long since gone away,

Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost,
Jerusalem is lost...

. . .

The time has come for me to take my bows and leave the stage,
But I feel I'm just beginning,
There's so many things I want to say before I go,
But I'll be back, to sing again;

And I'll lead you through the ancient halls and stories of the past,
And the many ways of loving,
And when all is said and done, there's only you and me,

. . .

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