Hey hey, A.A. man!
Hey hey, A.A. man!
Hey hey, A.A. man!
Hey hey, A.A. man!
Out on the motorway, clocking up the miles
My coupé's running roughly, steaming over
Got thirty miles to go to the next services
I ain't a-gonna make it, yes so this is
You won't believe the state my engine's in
I'm leaking oil and reckon I won't make it up the hill
I should have checked my fanbelt too
There's a burning smell, and now I'm pulling over to the side
Hey hey, A.A. man!
Hey hey, A.A. man!
Hey hey, A.A. man! – get to me as fast as you can
It's now well past four and pissing down with rain
Where's my member's handbook, Patricia darling!
The wheels are well locked up, I'm going for the phone
They ain't had the very man to fix it
Operator, put me through to breakdown
I'm down the road, in my little red Marina in the rain
Connect me through to Information
I'm pumped right out and I've fifteen miles to walk home in the wet
Hey hey, A.A. man! – get to me as fast as you can
Hey hey, A.A. man! – ------- up the jerrycan
Operator, put me through to breakdown
I'm down the road, in my little red Marina in the rain
Connect me to Auto Information
I'm pumped right out and I've fifteen miles to walk home in the wet