I'm the girl whos name be heard
Get a pen and pad so I can write down this verse
Dem haters be hatin thinkin they hatin can couse me a curse
But they know if they keep it up they gonna get it worse
I'm dat rapper that's known as the teen that don't write a lick
And some never heard of me yes but the ones that did heard me spit
But some haters finna hate on me so they gonna need a cross kit
Maybe a bandage no maybe some surgry cause they finna have a 9, through they head
Anyway my rapping was so good I made an avalenge
And after I hurted dem haters let's just say they finna hop in that ambulece
Lie to they mommys and daddys that it was all an acsednt on tha stage
They fell oh... well boo hoo now they in a grave
I don't need to worry cause I'm tryna stack theses dollar signs like the twin tower
Make it taller make it high and make it higher
Selling all of theses albums is just gonna make ya haters hate mo N make my pockets fatter I'm a hop in my chevy hope dem bitches try not a still my cheese
Oh... well I'm not worried I'm a lock my box with this key
So I'm gonna take a ride up in theses streets no I'm a stop for some deeze
Chunk up tha duece oh... shit! dem haters stop they trashed up whip in a slow creep
They got they 5's but I'm a be ready for them I got my 9
Don't got nuttin to worry bout cause I'm a have dem in that hospitals bed at nite
And after that I'm a make this cheese stacked like the twin towers
And I got so much witnesses they thought I was ms. Michael Myers
So if ya got another [? ] to say about this here rap... nuttin
Then I'm gone... holla back