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Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand

Background information
Birth name Barbara Joan Streisand
Born April 24, 1942
Born place Brooklyn, New York, U.S.
Genre(s) Traditional pop
Adult Contemporary
Years active 1957—present
Label(s) Columbia Records
Website Website

Music World  →  Lyrics  →  B  →  Barbra Streisand  →  Albums  →  Color Me Barbra

Barbra Streisand Album

Color Me Barbra (1966)
. . .

Yesterdays, yesterdays
Days I knew as happy sweet
Sequestered days
Olden days, golden days
Days of mad romance and love
Then gay youth was mine
Truth was mine
Joyous free and flaming life
Forsooth was mine
Sad am i, glad am I
For today I'm dreaming of

Then gay youth was mine
The truth was mine
Sad am I
Glad am I
For today I'm dreaming of
Yesterdays, youth was mine
Joyous free and flaming life
Forsooth was mine
Sad am i, oh so glad am I
For today I'm dreaming of

. . .

One kiss, one man to save it for
One love for him alone
One word, one vow and nothing more
To tell him I'm own

One magic night within his arms
With passion flower unfold
But I will try to love only one man
And no other man in the world...

. . .

I've got minute
Just a little minute
I have only got a minute
Just a minute
I have only got a minute
That is all the time I have
To sing this tiny little minute waltz
It isn't easy but I'll try it then
I've got to say goodbye
But first I'll take a minute
And put in it
Every note that you may know
That less I sing a little minute waltz
And hope I can sing with no faults
I know it's difficult
I'll give it every last breath that I've got within my body
Hope that my performance won't be very shoddy
Singing every moment won't do wonders for my throat
I probably will end up hoarse
Of course I will I've got it down a wager
That I made I will I want
I know its not the money but the
Satisfaction that I get from winning money
On this silly kind of bet
Though this kind of solo wasn't his intention
Chopin isn't here to make an intervention
So with your permission
And no intermission
I will sing each note
That that composer wrote
As you can hear my trilling
Isn't very thrilling
But no one can say
I wasn't very willing

To attempt a thing that's not been done
And just for fun to sing the minute waltz

As I sing the seconds fly
All too soon the minute waltzes by
And now I ask you where am I
Halfway through the tune and I'm falling far behind

I have less than thirty seconds
Less than thirty seconds
Less than thirty
Less than half a minute
I have less than thirty seconds
I have less than half a minute
To complete this little minute waltz
But every note that's in the score I buy
The sands of time I know are pouring at me
With my bet and honour with the money
Down to some big store and there to buy a honey
And a trophy for myself
To put upon the shelf
To show the world I've won

Oh, the second hand is rushing round the dial
And though I'd like to end this torture with a smile
And lest someone knows how to stop the clock
You're gonna see me cry
Before I say goodbye
_____ To complete the song
But I'm afraid my little lungs will burst before too long
If only I can last this day
I won't have failed to sing a little minute waltz.

. . .

Gotta move, gotta get out
Gotta leave this place, gotta find some place
Some other place, some brand new place
Some place where each face that I see
Won't be staring back at me
Telling me what to be and how to be it
Some place where I can just be me
Gotta move, got to get out
Gotta leave this town, gotta find some town
Some big new town, some bright new town
Some new town with new places, new lights
And most of all some new faces
Gotta find a man, a new man
A man who won't worry 'bout where I go
A man who wont ask how I learned what I know
A man who will know that I've gotta be free
A man who will know when to just let me be
Gotta move, gotta get out
Gotta change my life, gotta find my life
I'll find me a place in some new town and baby
And when I find me that new place, then maybe I
Gotta leave this town, gotta leave this place
Gotta find a new man...Gotta move!

. . .

Non, c'est rien
Aussi peu, croyez le bien
Ça ira mieux dès demain
Avec le temps qui passe
Dans la vie tout s'efface
Non, c'est rien
A qui bon tendre vos mains
Je n'ai pas temps de chagrin
C'est vous qui êtes tristes
Mes amis, partez vite
Laissez moi cette nuit
Sortez, mais sans moi
Allez boire à ma santé
Rapportez votre pitié
Vous me faites rire, bien rire...
Non, c'est rien
Aussi peu croyez le bien
Cet amour n'était plus rien
D'autre qu'une autre habitude
J'en ai la certitude

Non, c'est rien
Ce garçon, moi je le plains
Ne croyez pas que demain
Une seule seconde
Je serai seule au monde
Laissez, laissez-moi cette nuit
Sortez mais sans moi
Allez boire à mes amours
A tous mes futurs amours
Mes prochains je t' t'aime...
Laissez-moi et ne croyez pas surtout pas
Que je vais pleurer pour ça
Seulement mon coeur n'y comprend rien
Mis à part ça rien, rien
Non c'est rien, aussi peu croyez le bien
Je n'ai pas tant de chagrin
Je n'ai pas tant de chagrin
Non c'est rien...non c'est rien

. . .

I'm wearing second hand shoes
Second hand hose
All the girls hand me
Their second hand clothes
Even my pajamas when I darn 'em
Have somebody else's
Initials on 'em
Second hand rings
Hmm... Second hand things
I never get what other girlies do
Once while strolling
Through the Ritz a girl got my goat...
She nudged her friend
And said, oh, look there goes
My old fur coat

I don't believe in
Frettin' and grievin'
Why mess around with strife
I never was caught out
To step and strut out
Give me the simple life
Some find a pleasant dining on pheasants
Those things roll off my comb
Just serve me tomatoes
And mashed potatoes
Any place I hang my hat is home

Oh, I got plenty o' nothin'
And nothin's plenty for me
I got no car,
I got no mule
I got no misery
Don't you see?
I got no lock on my door
That's okay with me
'Cause the things that I prize,
Like the stars in the skies, are all free
I got plenty o' nothin'
And nothin's plenty for me

Once I built a railroad
Made it run,
Made it race
Against time
Once I built a railroad
Now it's done
Brother can you spare a dime?
Say don't you remember
They called me Al
It was Al all the time
Say don't you remember
I'm your pal
Buddy can you spare a dime?

Nobody knows you
When you're down and out
In your pocket's
Not one penny
And your friends
Well, you haven't any
Soon as you get on your feet again
Is your long lost friend
It's mighty strange
Without a doubt
But nobody knows you
When you're down and out

Oh, every one knows
That I'm just second hand Rose
From Second Avenue
Ya can't beat the egg-creams
From Second Avenue
There is more between me
And Fifth Avenue
Than three blocks
I tell ya
Second Avenue

The flowers in spring
The robins that sing
The sun beams that shine
They're yours, they're mine
And love can come to anyone
Because the best things in life are free

. . .

C'est si bon
Lovers say that in france
When they thrill to romance
It means that it's so good
C'est si bon
So I say to you
Like the french people do
Because it's oh so good
Every word, every sigh, every kiss, dear,
Leads to only one thought
And the thought is this, dear!
C'est si bon
Nothing else can replace
Just your slyest embrace
And if you only would be my own for the rest my days
I will whisper this phrase
My darling, my darling...
C'est si bon!

. . .

Where am I going?
And what will I find?
What's in this grab bag
That I cal I my mind?

What am I doing
Alone on the shelf?
Ain't it a shame,
But no one's to blame but myself.

Which way is clear
When you've lost your way
Year after year?

Do I keep falling in love for just a kick of it?
Staggering through the thin and thick of it,
Hating each old, tired trick of it,
Know what I am,
I'm good and sick of it!

Where em I going?
Why do I care?
Run where it's foul,
Run where it's fair,
No matter where I run I meet myself there.

Looking inside me, what do I see?
Anger and hope and doubt,
What em I all about?
And where am I going?
Tell me why do I care?

No matter where I run I meet myself there
Looking inside me, what do I see?
Anger and hope and doubt
What am I al I about?
And where am I going?
Where am I going?

. . .

Starting here, starting now
When we walk, we walk together
Year by year, starting here
Starting now
When we talk
We wiii say the most with silence
When we're near
Starting here
Now when you sleep
You will dream a dream
That's free from care
For now when you wake
I'll be there so be still

Take my hand
For the greatest journey
Heaven can allow
Starting love
Starting here
Starting now
Now take my hand
For the greatest journey
Heaven can allow
Starting love
Starting here
Starting now...

. . .

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