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Akon 'Disheartened' After Sri Lanka Denies Rapper A Visa

March 25, 2010
Akon 'Disheartened' After Sri Lanka Denies Rapper A VisaAkon has said he feels “disheartened” that an upcoming gig in Sri Lanka had to be postponed because the government refused to issue him a visa.

Officials took the decision earlier this week after a group of Buddhist monks argued that the rapper's music was not suitable.

Their protest centred on the video for Akon's hit 'Sexy Bitch', which shows him dancing with women in bikinis in front of a Buddha statue.

Akon has now confirmed that the gig, due to take place next month, has been postponed.

In a statement, he said: "I was not aware that the statue was even on the set of the video until now.

“I would never set out to offend or desecrate anyone's religion or religious beliefs.”

Akon's booking firm said they were working to resolve the dispute and were confident that the concert could be rescheduled.

Local promoter Lasantha Samarasinghe said he would also ask the government to reconsider its position, according to the Press Association.

(by Jason Gregory)

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